Are you ready to begin 
your healing journey?

As a Recovery Metaphysician and a Galactic Grandmother, Sheila can help you awaken and align with your true self so you can live the purposeful life you were made for.

Since 1985, Sheila has been deeply committed to a spiritual path while also training in a variety of different energy healing modalities.

 How I help you 

As a Recovery Metaphysician and a Galactic Grandmother

I help you awaken & align

  • my healing practice creates a powerful electromagnetic change in your body. As a Metaphysical Minister & Healer it is my mission to create a space of God-Consciousness Energy that supports your healing. In this space I work to merge your human energy field with the Consciousness (energy) of God.
  • by unraveling your biggest questions: Who are you? Why are you here? Where are you going? What is your life purpose?
  • by removing blocks in your energy fields, balancing and cleansing chakras, uncovering limiting belief patterns, teaching techniques for building personal resilience against stress, and guiding you forward on your personal spiritual empowerment path.
  • all of this and more so you can live the purposeful life you were made for
Book your free discovery call to see how I can help you!

 Your Galactic grandmother 

In February of 2020 Sheila was called on by the Galactic Star Mothers

To transmit messages of unconditional love and direction to those who seek answers as a Galactic Grandmother. Sheila, your Galactic Grandmother, will help you receive emotional healing and solutions allowing you to live your Divine Purpose calling on the nourishment of Mother Earth's energy and the wisdom of your Galactic Lineage.

Since 1985, Sheila has been openly and deeply committed to a spiritual path. During this time and before becoming a Galactic Grandmother she became a Universal Master Healer mastering the following healing modalities:


Sheila is a Meta-Physician who can help you shape your life's perspective through exciting esoteric reality.

IET® Master-Instructor

Sheila is certified by The Center of Being and is recognized as a top IET® Master-Instructor and Master-Instructor Trainer.

And much more

  • Licensed HeartMath® Coach / Mentor
  • Unity Field Healing (UFH) Practitioner
  • Master USUI Reiki Practitioner
  • Spiritual Counselor
  • Life Issue Recovery Mentor
  • Certified Hospice / Palliative Caregiver
  • Ordained Metaphysical Minister
  • Experienced Metaphysical Practitioner.

Here’s what people are saying about Sheila

I was unburdened and cleared. I breathe easier.

After working with Sheila, I experienced a spiritual cleaning and felt the energetic and angelic healing of past traumas and pain. I truly experienced a lightening of pain and the removal of guilt in areas that I had revealed to only two other people in my life. I was unburdened and cleared. I breathe easier. I feel lighter. I am incredibly filled with joy and love for myself. Sheila’s empathy and kind-heartedness are so genuine and heartfelt.

Brenda Baker
High School Principal, Phoenix, AZ

It seems like every single cell of my body is more alive and joyful.

Sheila is a powerful healer; full of devotion and generosity. I’ve had four long-distance IET and Unity Field Healing sessions with her and feel profoundly transformed now. It seems like every single cell of my body is more alive and joyful. There is a new clarity and inner calm, that I had never felt before. Very precious new qualities, that change everything in life. Also, my professional / financial situation has improved already. I highly recommend healing sessions with Sheila.

Artist, Germany


Sheila Tillich  My story

Today, I no longer hide behind an old mask of not being good enough.

My traumatic childhood had a great impact on my future choices. I was brought up in an alcoholic home and was #6 out of 8 children. Born with hereditary nerve ending damage in the ears only added to the chaos of my home. Being chastised for trying to read others' lips in Catholic school was traumatizing. I found comfort in my ability to communicate with Angels from a young age and relied on this communication through the hardships I encountered. My father died when I was 15, which financially crushed my family and ended my dream of becoming a Nurse Midwife. 

I married my high-school sweetheart at 19 and brought all my low self-worth with me. Trying to fill the empty well inside of me, my co-dependency flared along with other self-sabotaging behaviors; workaholism, exercise addiction, and my most feared – alcoholism. I was uncomfortable with labels and beliefs bestowed upon me by the traditional healthcare system as I found that they kept me in the role of a victim. This realization and my desire to overcome the labels and beliefs I had been given encouraged me to pursue my dream of working in healthcare. Once I had begun my recovery from Alcoholism I was able to finally start my career in the healthcare field. I went to school for nursing and during my third year of school I suffered an injury that led to a diagnosis of fibromyalgia. I had a dysfunctional marriage at the time, that when coupled with the stress of nursing school I found myself unable to complete my degree and instead started focusing on my physical recovery which led me on the journey of dealing with the issues in my tissues. After leaving nursing school I supported myself by working in Hospice Care until 2002 when I became a Board Certified Phlebotomist.

In my late 30’s and early 40’s, “recovery” started to bloom.

Doing work on myself was the answer to my problems.

My children were the catalyst. I wanted more for them than what I started with. I knew I had to put my oxygen mask on first to be a healthy role model. My interest in science and spirituality fit right in with my skeptical mind. The alternative, holistic, and Eastern medicine practices always piqued my interest so this led to engorging myself in learning all I could. I had to have proof.  How? I went within. I asked my Higher Power to help me. They did. I had a lot of help.  Slowly, I got off medication prescribed for depression, fibromyalgia, and other traditional diagnoses. I started using pure therapeutic-grade essential oils.

My life has transformed into a marvelous ongoing journey of self-healing.

I embrace a spiritual life that has been “beyond my wildest dreams".

I’ve found peace... I’ve finally found me - being comfortable in my own skin: warts and all ~ I am good enough  ~ I trust in myself and my wisdom of self-healing. I found HeartMath® Institute where I learned to bridge my two worlds of heart and mind. This shift opened my heart’s desire to counsel and minister to others. Early in 2017, I transitioned my professional life from mainstream healthcare to private practice in Integrative Holistic healthcare.

Soul awakening and the Galactic Connection.

2017 was a year of trusting my gut and moving forward. I completed my Bachelors degree in Metaphysical Science, became an Ordained Metaphysical Ministry, this allows me to work as a Metaphysical Practitioner. I also became licensed as a HeartMath coach and a Universal Master Energy Healer. I became an authorized host for the Lemurian Sisterhood which led me on my akashic remembrance of my true identity as a Galactic Grandmother in this lifetime and many lifetimes before. The Star Mothers showed me that I am Galactic Grandmother, this means I have always served as a "midwife" - helping others birth the potential of their true Divine Souls; by tapping into Mother Earth's energy and the wisdom of our Divine Galactic Lineage.


Sheila Tillich  Bio

Sheila Tillich, an Awakened Soul since 1985, brings a unique blend of qualifications and experiences to her practice.

She is an Ordained Metaphysical Reverend, a Galactic Grandmother, and an International Master Energy Healer. Her diverse skill set includes being a Recovery Metaphysician, an Integrated Energy Therapy® (IET®) Master-Instructor Trainer, #2 in the USA Unity Field Healing (UFH) Practitioner, a Master Reiki Practitioner, a HeartMath Certified Coach, and a Galactic Channel. With her extensive background as a Metaphysical Practitioner, she offers Spiritual and Recovery Counseling and is a Certified Hospice / Palliative Caregiver.

She offers renowned “Quantum DNA” Modality healing services and supports healing and “bio-spiritual” transformation. She has administered thousands of private healing sessions worldwide since 2013 and has taught thousands of students in IET® classes and workshops as an IET® Master Instructor (MI) since 2014. In 2018, she was honored as an International IET® MI Trainer. She teaches others to change one heart at a time, heal themselves and others, and live in their Divine Light Cosmic potential.

Since February 2020, Sheila Tillich has embraced her Angelic Galactic Grandmother Being role.

In this capacity, she serves as a conduit for spiritual awakening and transformation through the human bio-spiritual DNA Matrix electromagnetic energy field. Her channeling is enriched by the consciousness energy of Mother Earth and the wisdom of her Galactic lineage. This Galactic Grandmother transmission and activation realigns and recalibrates the bio-spiritual connection to the Source Creator, Divine Human Essence, healing, resetting, and releasing old patterns, beliefs, and limitations.

Sheila Tillich founded **Galactic Ascension Academy—School of Galactic Wisdom Mastery!**

This higher consciousness membership community is shifting with the evolution of the Divine Angelic Quantum. This ascension evolution consists of Higher consciousness, Multidimensional DNA Template, Heart-Light Wisdom, and Galactic Ancestry. Her role as a Galactic Grandmother is to re-awaken and rebirth humanity, establishing Cosmic Soul Essence Divinity. Her recent launch course, ***Sobriety through Spirituality,*** is designed to transcend traditional approaches to healing and facilitate a transformation **beyond** sobriety from substances.

This powerful mantra encapsulates the essence of **Galactic Ascension Academy**. *"I walk in the Sovereignty of my Love-Light Soul Divinity… I walk in the knowing of my Light Wisdom… I have no fear and walk in Love. I AM a Galactic Being. I shine brightly!"*

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