Community of Galactic Ascension Academy - 
School of Galactic Wisdom Mastery.

Higher Consciousness Quantum DNA healing will realign, reset, clear, 
and release trauma, old patterns, beliefs, and limitations.
This includes Genetic Lineage, Akashic Lineage, and Galactic Lineage healing.


Find your purpose and live your Spiritual Divine potential.

As a Recovery Metaphysician and a Galactic Grandmother, Sheila can help you awaken and align with your true self so you can live the purposeful life you were made for.

Sheila's healing practice creates a powerful electromagnetic change in the body. As a Metaphysical Minister & Healer, Sheila's mission is to create a space of God-Consciousness Energy that supports your healing. In this space, she works to merge your human energy field with God's Consciousness (energy). The Souls Divinity. It is sacred. It is often called the aura or auric energy field. Another name is the Etheric consciousness field, and it connects human electromagnetic energy to our Matrix field connection to the spiritual source. Metaphysics can be described as a higher spiritual consciousness. Sheila’s practice as a Recovery Metaphysician helps the transformational expansion of the soul's divinity.

We are proud to present the Galactic Ascension Academy's first course:

"I walk in the Sovereignty of my Love-Light Soul Divinity…
I have no fear and walk in my Light Wisdom Mastery…
I AM a Galactic Being. I shine brightly!" 

Discover extraordinary interviews with individuals offering unique insights into spiritual ascension and enlightenment. Stay tuned for thought-provoking conversations that will broaden your horizons and deepen your understanding of the universe.

Book your free discovery call to see how I can help you!

I am infinitely grateful for my profound transformational Unity Field Healings from Sheila Tillich. Sheila offered me healings remotely from where she is in New York to where I am in Victoria, Australia, giving full testament to the power of Quantum Energy. Each healing has been so powerful and the synchronicities between us with what comes through each time is absolute confirmation. The power of this work is profound.

Her rich wisdom, generosity and deep compassion have assisted me to move through many tired old patterns. Her ability to address and resolve the "issues in my tissues" has-been life changing. I feel immense love and support from Sheila, and the divine Sirian and Galactic energy she works with, becoming more and more aware of the powerful Multidimensional Being I am. Being held in the beautiful container of her Lightworkers Connection Circle and Galactic Star Sisterhood with others as we share strength and vulnerabilities is a truly wonderful gift. Thank you so much Sheila B, Galactic Grandmother, for these beautiful healings. Thank you for reminding me always of the love our Star Mother's have for us.

-Emily C June, 2022

Sheila Tillich offers healings that are deeply transformational. I have experienced profound changes in my life since meeting Sheila. At a deep cellular level, working with the "issues in the tissues," I have noticed significant shifts in many areas of my life. Sheila's vast expertise and the way she works with the Spiritual DNA, 24th Chromosome are awe inspiring. 

In a recent healing, Sheila mentioned my dolphin and eagle families showing up etherically. I was thrilled, as the previous day I had a divine encounter with some baby dolphins, whilst on a ferry ride. Eagle Spirit has been with me for a long long time. Infinite gratitude and love to you Sheila for all that you do.  
Your generous beautiful heart radiates far and wide.

-Emily C March, 2024

Transformation starts here 

Your ascension is my business.

It is my mission to teach self-healing techniques to others - empowering them to utilize their life's obstacles and challenges. Allowing transformation of freedom, wisdom, courage, and spiritual awakening alignment.


Integrated Energy Therapy®

will help you understand the "issues in your tissues" and how they affect your everyday life. IET® works to release negative blocks on the cellular level.


Unity Field Healing is a new energy-based modality supporting healing and "bio-spiritual" transformation through the axis of your spiritual Quantum DNA.


HeartMath techniques will nudge your intuition to listen to your heart more and connect with your inner guidance. 

Galactic Healing

Galactic healing empowers you to tap into your Divine Magnificence, your spiritual soul rememberance. Who are you? 

My clients say it best:

Sheila was very calming and helped me release negative chatter that sometimes enters my thoughts. Her healing sessions helped me release old thoughts, patterns, and emotional baggage that no longer served my soul any purpose, allowing me to grow into a calmer, more confident me. I experience a sense of calm, relaxation, and peace for many days after our sessions.


on Unity Field Healing

I have gained so much confidence to stand in my own truth... I was holding on to so many hurts, guilt, and shame I did not realize was shaping my future. With Unity Field Healing and IET, I see things as they are, accept them as they are, and move forward with confidence in my decisions, self-esteem, and overall relationships: with others and with myself.  Sheila has a beautiful gift and her energy is so healing.


on Unity Field Healing and IET®

I started working with Sheila because I knew I was “stuck.” I’d been to see motivational speakers, listened to many books on tape, prayed, and meditated.  None of those things are bad. However, none of them worked. My experience with Sheila and IET has been wild!! Layers of issues in tissues have been removed. Opportunity and abundance are flowing and I now expect it to keep coming.


on IET®

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 It's time to transform

     How may I help you find your divine potential?




“I highly recommend Sheila B. for effortless remote energy healings! She is truly an angel who was sent into my life at a time when I needed her help. She has helped me step into my true identity as a light worker and quantum energy healer. She has helped me immensely with understanding my spiritual abilities and aligning me to the crystalline grid. As a clairvoyant, I am able to “watch” the remote healings and I am always in awe as I watch and feel these healings. Sheila helped remove difficult past lives from my Akashic record with such ease. The anxiety, fear and suffering I once experienced are removed and my DNA is “upgraded” during each session and each transmission! I am manifesting miracles daily into my life! I am also watching those around me experience miracles and profound healings. I am forever grateful!”

-Colleen, September 2022 ~ Massachusetts