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We have a multidimensional frequency attached to our DNA that exists around and within each of us, this has been recognized by the scientific community as the toroidal field of energy. Each human, planet, galaxy, and even the universe has one. This is also known as the quantum energy field it is how your soul receives information from the universe around itself and relays that information to our physical body through our DNA. The energetical field around you flows through your chakras carrying energy that supports your healing and connects you to the earth and the galaxy.

A transmission is an energetical frequency that your soul recognizes. It is divine a message connected to the matrix of your soul. Sheila, as a Galactic Grandmother, has been receiving transmissions, also known as divine messages, from the Galactic Star Mothers and is freely sharing them here on her website.

As a Galactic Grandmother Sheila’s role is to awaken the magnetic field grid, rebirthing the love of humanity and awakening our spiritual divineness.

Listen and Share Past Transmissions

Solar Light Activation – Saturday 07.25.2024 at 12 PM This transmission activation connects you with Mother Gaia’s Crystal Telos Galactic Frequency. The galactic family’s interstellar energy is here. As a Light Being, you live in the 3-dimensional reality of duality. You also raise your ascension Light body frequency, expanding your 4-dimensional reality. Earth is experiencing

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Lionsgateway Portal 08.08.2024 Welcome to this unique and extraordinary Lion’s Gateway Portal Transmission from the Galactic Star Mothers. This Cosmic Gateway frequency portal, a rare annual cosmic alignment, is a privilege to experience. It occurs during the Leo Season, when Earth, Sirius, and Orian align within the Leo Constellation. This is the time between July

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Galactic Grandmother’s 2024 Summer Solstice Ascension Activation This is a special Summer Solstice 2024 Galactic Grandmothers Transmission Activation and Teaching. This transmission will activate your Divine Wisdom Power as a Cosmic Being. Step into your Sovereignty Wisdom Mastery. Shine your Love-Light Power, Dear Ones.    

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This Galactic Grandmother Transmission—Transmutation Upgrades activates your multidimensional blueprint template Cosmic Light code frequency. Earth is experiencing many solar flares, which are Solar Gamma Energy rays. Gamma energy connects with the human multidimensional ‘Love-Light’ magnetic field. This is your Spiritual blueprint template for recognizing and awakening your Divine Wisdom Mastery as a human soul. “Stand

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Wisdom This transmission is to activate a new Cosmic solar frequency that came in with the latest Total Solar Eclipse. The Solar rays expanded upon your human energy electromagnetic field. Reawakening your Spiritual DNA. Rebirthing your multidimensional heart center and consciousness field. Helping you step into this cosmic energy template – as your spiritual abilities

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HEART GATEWAY It’s here Dear Lightworkers, your graduation as THE NEW LEMURIAN! ENJOY this TRANSMISSION. It’s your Gateway of your Soul WISDOM given to you by your Pleiadian StarMothers’s. You are being guided by your spiritual 24th chromosome DNA as it Merges Daily with your purpose, mission, and Ascension Love Consciousness. This transmission is an

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St. Germain & Angel Ariel This transmission is an Activation of healing with the Violet Light Frequency of St. Germain AND the healing energy of Angel Ariel. Their frequency is vibrating your ability to connect with your higher Divine Quantum Energy you possess within your cellular structure. This is your multidimensional 24th DNA frequency of

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SOUL LIGHT MEDITATION This transmission is a Meditation that activate your SOUL LIGHT Star Seed frequency. It will connect into your cellular DNA multidimensional structure AND your Merkaba energy field around you, above, and below. This meditation focuses on your purpose being born at this time. It will help you move forward standing in your

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DNA SOUL ASPECTS This transmission will activate your Original Human DNA template given to us from our Star Family Lyrans. Lyra is part of our ancestral lineage. Our original human DNA is stored in the Lyran library and it now is accessible to humanity, at this ascension time. This Galactic Mother transmission is intermingling, renewing,

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Quantum Timeline Healing This transmission from the Galactic Star Mothers is an activation into your quantum subconscious field to heal past pain. To recover, move forward and heal limiting programs from the past. To understand the pain comes from early childhood years and how they are coming forward now so that you may release them.

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CORE ESSENCE MEDITATION This transmission is an activation through a meditation and affirmation you make with your Soul Core Essence. You are opening up the Gateway of your heart higher frequency. This higher 5D Recovery frequency walks you through releasing, untangling old lower frequency energy loops that are still in the 3D frequency as you

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MAGNIFICENCE This transmission meditation awakens and expands your multidimensional magnificence by connecting earth’s frequency with the galactic frequency. Step in Dear Ones, and experience your own healing abilities as you set your intention going within your cellular structure allowing release of old blockages. This will help you radiate your own Divine LoveLight of Magnificence through

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POSITIVE LIGHT FREQUENCY Step into the positivity energy field of your Cosmic Family. This is the time of great awakening of your divine abilities, within your multidimentional 24th chromosome DNA. Your DNA holds the high “Light Codes” frequency. This lifetime experiences has led you to this awakening of your soul. Your Galactic Star Mothers and

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MASTER BALANCE This Galactic Star Mothers transmission is about your Mastery Virtues of Harmonizing and Balancing your 3-d human life on earth. Tapping into your Higher Self Love Light abilities. Your 5 Dimensional frequencies that is here today. Your awakened soul frequency to balance and harmonize your life today.    

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LION’S GATEWAY PORTAL This transmission is a Lion’s Gateway 88 Portal Meditation. This Gateway Portal is a spiritual activation of manifesting, abundance, sovereignty and prosperity. It will connect you to your Angelic Attributes of the creator and your Divine Essence as a child of Love. Use this meditation anytime to connect with your Galactic family

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FORGIVENESS GATEWAY This transmission is to connect in a meditative state with your higher self. Your Light body frequency. Connecting and Re-attuning your body to your Divine Presence, your Divine Love, your Divine Essence as a soul. Allowing yourself this time to connect to us, your Star Mothers and your Galactic Cosmic energy. This meditative

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STARSEED PURPOSE This transmission activation ignites your power within as a Seed from the Stars. Bringing your soul’s purpose forward as you plant your soul’s seed into your everyday life. With the StarMother’s loving frequency guidance, direction, and help, will allow you to manifest from your soul’s powerful multidimensional DNA Universal Oneness.    

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FIRES OF CHANGE This transmission is about the Fires of your life and your emotions. Helping ignite your flame of Love connecting to your multidimensional abilities during this awakening time of Ascension. Your emotions can serve two ways. Keep you stuck in the fires of hate and negativity OR free you from the negativity of

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