LIVE Soul DNA Merging


Join me monthly as we work together to rebirth your Spiritual Soul.

Embark on a journey of Merging our Physical Self with our Souls with the help of our Galactic Star Family!

Humanity is now shifting into a New Energy Consciousness Paradigm. My role as a Galactic Grandmother is to help you rebirth your Spiritual Soul. To help you awaken and align your magnetic frequency through your consciousness field. I can help you move forward in your life. To take your power back. Help you become “unstuck” from whatever holds you back from having a happier joyful life.
Soul DNA Merging is a technique where the Star Mothers transmit an activation process to help you expand your multidimensional spiritual abilities. This will allow you to connect physically daily with your divine spiritual self. It is a merging and alignment of your physical DNA body with your spiritual soul self. It is a process that is done with two 10 minutes sessions with a small break in between.

February 14, 2023, March 14, 2023, April 11, 2023, May 9, 2023, June 13, 2023, July 11, 2023, August 8, 2023, September 12, 2023, October 10, 2023, November 14, 2023, December 12, 2023